Triple Dip Primer and Spirit Analysis
In this paper, we will first understand how triple-dips could be created. Then, we will analyze the real world case of Spirit Airlines and see the potential of the triple-dip as a revolutionary liability management maneuver.

Trinseo, a Double Dip "Pari-Plus" Case Study
Today, we are going to look at another variation of the double-dip: the pari-plus transaction by analyzing the fascinating restructuring of Trinseo.
Double-Dip Explained Simple
Today’s restructuring world is highly complex. Uptier and Dropdown were the first versions of liability management transactions we saw. In the past few years, we have seen a new breakthrough in liability management transactions: double-dips.
What is Synthetic PIK?
The evolution of the private credit industry, the creation of the synthetic PIK, and the implications of this “creative” financing structure
Pluralsight, the Restructuring Deal of 2024 (Special 100th Edition)
A cocktail of restructuring, private equity, and private credit. Let's enjoy the 100th Pari Passu Edition

Neiman Marcus Restructuring and the ill-famed myTheresa Spin-off
From some hot-potato PE and a contentious drop-down LME, to a COVID-driven luxury retail bankruptcy, and criminal-bid-rigging charges, the drama of Neiman’s restructuring is unmatched, with implications reverberating throughout the restructuring arena.