A Thanksgiving-focused lesson with elements of rapid growth, strategic expansion, and resilience
And their role in Credit Suisse's default
From looking at the failures of Sears to the success of Netflix, there are a lot of lessons to be learned from what makes businesses stellar in times of decline
An amazing story of how a restructuring process enabled a great business to emerge from a black swan event and continue its operations
Diving deep into YesCare and its unique Texas Two Step restructuring
Covering how some of the largest hedge funds of our time achieved their scale
In a reverse Dutch auction, the auctioneer is the purchasing issuer rather than the seller
"The guru of valuation"
The most electric Chapter 11 and Liability Management Exercises in our time
Diving into Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) and assessing what made the company the technological, economic, and industrial powerhouse it is today
Detailing Evergrande’s rise to become China’s second-largest property developer - and its recent decline
Covering one of the most fascinating stories in the world of secret hedge funds, Long Term Capital Management