Pari Passu

Pari Passu

Mostly Restructuring, sometimes Public and Private Investing from Private Equity Investor at Mega-Fund and Former Restructuring Analyst

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“I recommend Pari Passu to friends and colleagues all the time. You have nailed how to simply explain very complex topics to a knowledgeable audience”

Joe T.

Former Managing Director at PJT Restructuring & Special Situations

“Skilled in simplifying complex subjects, and information not found elsewhere. I recommend you to all my juniors. ”

Luke F.

Vice-President at Moelis

“Fellow megafund investor; came from a consulting background so plenty to learn from the finance side. Great write-ups.”

Chris W.

Mega-Fund Private Equity Associate

“Been a long-time lurker of your free work and have loved every single one.”

Jason Y.

Investment Banking Associate

“Your kind explanation of basic concepts of leverage finance and distressed investing together with live cases is a very fresh reminder of what I have learned in the past and even today.”

Borun M.

Vice President at Credit Fund

“I'm a data scientist but fascinated by leveraged credit, everyone says your shit is the best”

John V.

Data Science Engineer


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